Hey There!

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London, United Kingdom
A site about my crafty, adventurous, london life. Things that I make, things that I like, things that I do. And my attempts to find my own London. All the while trying not to be too homesick for California and the Bay Area.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Quick Another One!

That's it, I'm going to start making these bows now. That's how my creativity works unfortunately. I make something once, it works, I make it like ten more times and I just can't do it anymore. But Ashley "gasp" does that mean no more flowers?!?!?!....Meh maybe.

Working on other ways to wear these.

In other news...I want to do something for Valentine's day.
Here's something I found from a fellow blogger. I think I might actually attempt to check it out. mmmm horchata. And something else that I'll keep a secret. Mostly cause I'm not sure if I will end up going.....yeah.

Love and Yummies (you'll only get this ending if you take a chance and click on the links)

~Valiant V

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