Hey There!

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London, United Kingdom
A site about my crafty, adventurous, london life. Things that I make, things that I like, things that I do. And my attempts to find my own London. All the while trying not to be too homesick for California and the Bay Area.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

All Packed Up But Not Ready To Go.

Would love to be here today. Thanks for the lovely picture thepinkballoon!

I don't really have anything craft related to post because I've packed up most of that for my London adventure. The Gaskell ball I spoke of last time is happening tonight!
So much time and so little to do.

I'm also moving out of my apartment this weekend. If I have promised something to you please remind me and come and get it on Sunday. Or let me know if I should save it for you and I'll bring it with me to my temporary gigs.

Here are some things I've collected for your entertainment in the mean time.

*My friend Jill is participating in this craft show in March! Come support local arts and crafters.

*A super awesome water conservation commercial from Brazil. I conserve water this way too.

*The Car Of The Future!!!...is very expensive, and still in the works. But dude what if !?!

*I think this is the best piano duet I have ever seen. I involuntarily applauded to the computer screen, it was that good.

*In the SF Bay Area? Love to learn about music theory or want to learn a new instrument? This awesome community has pretty much everybody covered. And dance classes are coming soon as well!

That is all for now.

I'm so excited for tonight. Gotta go and get ready, I've only got 6 hours left!!!

Love and Victorian Themed Balls (no time),

~Valiant V

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Preparations for a Dancing Adventure & Some Yummy New Food

Oh stop it, no it's not.

One of the many things I wanted to do before I go over to the big british island is go to one more Gaskell Ball! Yes its my nerdy side coming out and its happening this Saturday. Come join me won't you?

I heard about a special place in Berkeley called Stagecraft Studios. I went there to rent a victorian costume. But there are lots of other great things in there. A little bit of digging is required but its so fun!

It's from the future!

So many hats, so little time. Sigh.

Another new discovery this weekend was a great local restaurant called Mexicali Rose. A very low key mexican restaurant. They even have menudo on the regular menu...BUT their chips and salsa were tasty and the drinks were strong. Always a good sign.

There's more craziness to come. But maybe less craftiness for a while though. I've packed up most of those things already. GEE!!

Love and Warm Socks
~Valiant V

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pee Wee sent me something special!

I'm on the mailing list of the official peewee website. They sent me this for Valentines. Swoon.

So I actually didn't really end up doing anything for Valentines. So far. I might go to La Pinata with some pals later tonight.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

My Tattoo is Done!

At least I hope it is. Jill and I made a date of it. We both went to Lighthouse Tattoo to see Jason Storey for touch ups. He touched up the color of the other two birds and I think I want to leave the branch without color. If anything Im done with it for a long time.

A little ink smudged on my arm and Jason thought it kind of looked like a caveman. So he finished it for me.

I donated Jess's Armadillo to him. Here's Armadillo on route in BART.

Met up with Jason & Brian & Reynaldo later... to let the healing begin.

Went to the dollar and up store for ice cream dessert and found myself a kite. More pictures to come.

So when it stops being red and swollen I will show pics of my tattoo. THANK YOU JASON!

~Valiant V

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Quick Another One!

That's it, I'm going to start making these bows now. That's how my creativity works unfortunately. I make something once, it works, I make it like ten more times and I just can't do it anymore. But Ashley "gasp" does that mean no more flowers?!?!?!....Meh maybe.

Working on other ways to wear these.

In other news...I want to do something for Valentine's day.
Here's something I found from a fellow blogger. I think I might actually attempt to check it out. mmmm horchata. And something else that I'll keep a secret. Mostly cause I'm not sure if I will end up going.....yeah.

Love and Yummies (you'll only get this ending if you take a chance and click on the links)

~Valiant V

Monday, February 8, 2010

A blast from the past and a little project on the fly.

I have been sick for a few days. Bed ridden with my Netflix and crafts to comfort me. And my wonderful friend Jason to bring me breakfast bagels. Part of my day was spent going thru my surplus fabric. I happened upon this piece that I wasn't sure what to do with. And it just hit me.

BIG ASSED BOW!...yeah that's what I'll turn it into.
So I did. And I love it.
I've never made one before. Needs a little work. I attached one of my dual pin backings to it (like the ones on my flowers) so you can put it in your hair or pin it onto your blouse. Was not that difficult to make but it could stand to be prettier.

On a more nostalgic note. I had a song stuck in my head that came from a great stand up bit from Dana Carvey's Critics Choice HBO Special. Do you remember this one?

Hope you're feeling well
~Valiant V

A little Art Murmur, a little billiards, a little korean market

This last weekend was busy. I've been doing good with my plan to get rid of at least one thing a day. I'm slowly starting to organzie boxes of things. I took a break on Friday night and went to Jason's art murmur show at Rock Paper Scissors. It was jam packed but great to be in that sea of craziness. I met with some old childhood friends Packy and Trent and Packy's wife Shayna. It was so crazy I forgot to take pictures of the actual artwork we viewed. But I did snap some shots of us at a random Korean market down the street.

Look ten large dried squid. yum!

Shayna about to express her true feelings on the subject.

Saturday was the Farewell Typewriter show at the South First Billiards in San Jose. Pretty cool place if at least friggin expansive. We stopped at a fifties themed restaurant before the show. The waitress gave us special portions of ketchup....to make the crappy food taste better I guess.

On a more crafty note, the Valentine T-Shirt project is advancing. I do not know if it will actually look good or if I'll eventually scrap the whole thing. But it is coming along.

~Valiant V

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Present from a present

I finally got to visit with my best friend Tiffany who now lives in San Jose. It's so sad that we never get to see eachother. For example, at this visit I was given my christmas present...
It was a pair of shiny pink knitting needles and some pretty pretty yarn. I decided to crochet it into a scarf for HER christmas present. She gave me two colors, one of which was this wild neon yellowish color. And I've been seeing some connected scarfs, really cool super long ones. The amount of yarn I had didn't exactly get to the size I wanted. But I think its still going to be cute. We'll see how tiffy likes it. I smell photo shoot.

I want to give a shout out to Jill for the boxes in the background. Their almost filled up!

Warm Thoughts

~Valiant V

Monday, February 1, 2010

Packaging Idea From Boneheaded-ness

I have so many fond memories from my London vacation. Souvenirs and keepsakes, little scraps of papers and ticket stubs, help keep those memories alive.
But your boyfriend's camera battery charger is not something you should bring back home with you.
Oops, sorry Jess, I thought it was mine.

But this little mess up made me think of a cute way to ensure my parcel a safe international adventure.
Blurry Murphy Checkin In Out

I wanted to insert some sort of padding to the package (no time). But not just tissue paper. Then I thought of cutting up an old magazine BUT with my circle cutter. Then I remembered kindergarten class making tissue paper flowers by pushing and twisting pieces on the tip of a pencil. And VOILA! Just a cuter, more personalized way of protecting your stuffs.

What were on those pieces of paper you ask? Why images from the most recent issue of BUST. I love that magazine. Pictures that I thought Jess would like or think were funny.
I'm such a dork and I never take pictures of the final project. Sorry guys. Will update when Jess receives the package and gives a reaction.

