Hey There!

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London, United Kingdom
A site about my crafty, adventurous, london life. Things that I make, things that I like, things that I do. And my attempts to find my own London. All the while trying not to be too homesick for California and the Bay Area.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Button Experimentations Muwahahahahaha!

I am all about using up craft materials from previous projects. I have these iron on letters that were for a sweatshirt back in the day, they are very old school calligraphy, and there were a lot leftover. So I decided that monograms needed to come back into style. There was a time a few years ago when everything had a friggin letter on it.

It's a photobooth shot so sorry for the backwards letters but you get the idea. Still working it all out though. If I put mylar on them they turn out much neater, no edges undone or fabric sticking out. But its cooler looking with the exposed fabric and lettering (which has tiny little plastic dots on them btw). But the fabric sometimes doesn't catch underneath the crimp so there's more editing process after the button is made.

What I go through to make you look cool, I tell you....

More to come!

~Valiant V

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