I'm not sure what's gotten into me, maybe it's the great weather we've been having, but I'm on a crafty role lately.
I've been trying my hand at repurposing some clothing items.
Was given a grey blazer (thanks Jason!) that didn't quite look right as is. But there's a recent trend of the sleeveless blazer so I though Id give it a go.
I learned that I hate working on sleeve holes. Haaaaate. So my work is a little sloppy.

Will post more pictures if I actually am able to style this nicely with anything else I own. :)
I also found some wide leg jeans for (1 pound!) at the new gallery jumble sale and turned them into the shorts I plan on living in this summer.

It's so great, adding things to your wardrobe for next to nothing.
Love and new old clothes,
~Valiant V