Disclaimer: You'll probably find most of these posts filled with experiences in food. Yes I plan on doing other things but, what can I say I love to eat!

Egg in da Hole for Breakfast. My second, less burned, attempt using Jess's untouched stove.
The Borough Market, Yummy!

The Borough Market was on the other side of the Bridge. Which isn't all that spectacular, but you could see other beautiful landmarks from it....of which I didn't take pictures...sorry. 8)
So lemme back up a bit. Like a true Bay Area native I was not prepared for the real weather here at all. So Jess took me to Oxford Circus to do some coat/gloves/real shoes shopping. It was a mad house there. I saw some things I liked but was feeling a little overwhelmed by all the shops. I ended up only buying some
gloves (also kind of shown in picture above).
THEN we went to lunch at Borough Market which is an outdoor, but covered sort of, farmers market with lots of other glorious things. There was a booth that had french pastry items, one in particular I discovered was a Cannele. It was like a bite sized creme brulee cake.

I do not have a picture of my own of these because we ate them too quickly!
There was a meat section that had pheasants and ducks hanging, goose fat in jars, squid dangling off the side of the vendors iced display, very english food strewn about the place. Awesome. Jess bought some mulled wine spices at a wine stall so we could make some at home. I bought some string beans and carrots from the veggie section.

One of the last stops we took there was a meat shop that made its own pies. We bought a pork pie with apples on top! Apparently you traditionally eat them cold but the idea of eating a solid cold meat pie did not sound appetizing. So we warmed it up in the oven just a bit, it wasn't piping hot mind you. A most DELICIOUS first meat pie I must say! With a side of the best green beans I think I have ever tasted. Just boiled quickly with a little salt.
Oh yeah and on the way home it started to snow! There's a good layer out there now.
Snow for Christmas!!!
My friend Jenna suggested that I go to
Ben's Cookies in Covent Garden for some amazing treats. Anyone have any other suggestions, food or otherwise, to explore while I'm here?
Love and Creme Brulee Cakes,
~Valiant V