Had a great feeling day!
Sunday, chill, making some breakfast, took pictures of said breakfast cause it looked so happy, making some crafty things just for the heck of it, a little sewing machine action, a little room cleaning, chatted with my momma for a bit, grilled cheese and a cider for lunch, aaaaahhhhh. Im even excited about work tomorrow! Yes life is good.
Remember that shirt I was trying to make? I mean I lightened it and tried to stamp some design on it. I WISH I knew how to make a shirt. Anyway, it didn't look right and I kind of gave up but saved the shirt for possible future projects. Et voila!
I made another braid scarf out of it. The grey one I made before was a little shorter but it seemed to have more braids? I didn't review the original tutorial I got it from, just sort of remembered what it looked like before and tried to do it again from my head. I think it worked well. Pink is not really in my usual clothing color scheme but maybe someone else would like it? And it's not quite light jersey scarf season either. I might just add it in to my early spring wardrobe rotation. My own version of the tutorial to come.
Hope your new year is going well!
Love and getting back in the swing of things,
~Valiant V
breakfast pictures are the best!