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London, United Kingdom
A site about my crafty, adventurous, london life. Things that I make, things that I like, things that I do. And my attempts to find my own London. All the while trying not to be too homesick for California and the Bay Area.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Craft Update! Trendy Christmasy Winter Whatsits

Thought I'd try something different with what I had. I picked up some yarn at a jumble sale and I tried my hand at making one of my bows.

A little winter fun accessory.

I was on a roll! So I also turned some of my spare buttons into a ring.

It's all nautical and shtuff. That's still hip right?
I tested it out one evening and the metal ring totally fell off of the base . I need a soldering iron. yes please! muahahaha metallurgy.

ok that's it for a bit I think. Going home for christmas! Sigh. So happy.

Love and Crafts,

~Valiant V