Hey Guys!
Sorry I have not posted much lately. I am in Oakland, California for the time being! Taking a little vacation before I start some intense work training.
But enough about that. You want to know what I've been up to since I've left Merry Old.
I have to say when I took my first BART ride into town I got a little misty eyed seeing those infamous cranes on the water. IM HOME!
Saturday: I have arrived!
Sunday: ...I have jetlagggg!!!
Monday: Im in Cali the first day of Summer. How perfect is that? Was invited to a summer solstice celebration at Ocean beach. Bonfire, adult drinks hidden in water bottles, crunch n munch. Perfect combination.
Plus this guy in the group dressed up as a fishing boat captain. Mustache, pipe, etc.

Plus Brian has been puppysitting his friend's dog Tatum and I got to get dragged around the beach by her. SO beautiful, I love the ocean at night.
Tuesday & Wednesday: Uh....nothing major to report. But I'm sorry there was no interview posted on Wednesday, but I will be getting some great ones done while I'm here!
Oh Wait...hey yeah I got me a tattoo. Duh. I'll post it when it's healed.
Thursday: Received a newsletter from an awesome artist collective down the street. ROCK PAPER SCISSORS. Inviting me to a hat making party! Apparently there was an overabundant amount of hats donated to them one day and they decided to use them to get some crafty people together. I started making it there but there are still some finishing touches I need to perfect before posting pictures up here. Suffice it to say, it's pretty much the best hat I have ever made.
More to Come!
Love and Home Sweet Home
~Valiant V