Hey There!

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London, United Kingdom
A site about my crafty, adventurous, london life. Things that I make, things that I like, things that I do. And my attempts to find my own London. All the while trying not to be too homesick for California and the Bay Area.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Photoswap 2011

PHOTOSWAP 2011!!!!!
Remember last year when I did this? No? Then you just got here, get with the program people!

So this lovely blogger Rhianne decided to set this awesome event up once a year. Basically I trade rolls of film with a complete stranger from across the seas and develop their roll and see what they did and wait in anticipation for them to do the same. Here are some of my favorites from her roll.

Her name is Charity. Say hi Charity! She too has a lovely little blog set up. Go see!

I think she's from Canada....

If you want to see more check out my flickr set of the rest. And if you want to see what I did then you'll have to search through the groups photos to find mine (rubs hands together menacingly) muwahahahaha! I used a quad cam that took four photos in one shot so actually Im not hard to find in the group.

THE BEST PART!: you can participate too! Yeah anyone can do it.

THE WORST PART!: it overrrrrrr!!!! This year's photoswap is complete, but hopefully the world won't end and you won't be dead and you can still take photos next year ok?

ok thanks bye.

Love and Strangers Photos,

~Valiant V