My first thanksgiving without any close family or friends nearby. I actually almost forgot about it on Thursday when a great coworker of mine invited me to an impromptu dinner that night. There were the classic family staples that I knew and loved and some new traditions from other peoples families that were there. Fun to learn about other American's traditions.
When I took my first bite of stuffing/cranberry jelly/chicken (cause they were not going to attempt a full turkey) I felt at home. I closed my eyes and slowed down for a bit. It's funny what little things help you feel good and safe and normal. So good.

They were very sweet and added marshmallows to the yams for me. And surprisingly other people enjoyed it despite the exorbitant amount of mallow.

And lets not forgot the most traditional thing of all.
On Sunday I was invited to my coworkers annual thanksgiving at her friends house. We had homemade eggnog, a ton of veggie side dishes for some odd reason,
and a full blown turkey.
And on a more prouder note, i was able to corral all their kids into one room to make thanksgiving decorations for at least 25 minutes. I have the powah!
This is for sure late but wanted to update you.
Love and too much food but it was so good,
~Valiant V