Hello All,
So besides my career training, a lot of other things have been going on in my life. So I am back in London but still not entirely settled into regular adventures for posting. Today I tried to explore my neighborhood a bit. I now live down the street from my work and have yet to really see what's out there. And unfortunately so far there is nothing special I see within walking distance. But that doesn't mean I can't jump on a bus and go somewhere else exciting around London. I started bookmarking things I want to check out on Yelp.
The weather has recently chilled here. Feels like what mid-December would be back home and that's scaring me because it's only late September here. I have never experienced a proper season apparently. Damn you mild weathered upbringing! I am in no way prepared for this.
On a more girly fashion note:
I've been exploring and experimenting with my style a bit as well. I watched a tutorial some time ago on another site, Calivintage, on how to tie a sash into a turban.
So great when you have no desire to style your hair that day.

Ok it's not much different from the usual t-shirt, jeans, sweater ensemble but it's a start people!
You should try it. It's actually a cooler alternative to a hat, covered up my ears all warm and toasty as well.
And actually watching the video again today it turns out I tied it differently. But the video inspired me to try out a new hair style if you will so thanks Erin. She calls it a turban but mine was more just a scarf awkwardly wrapped around my head. Like a modern day Rosie the riveter who in no way supports her country actually, sorry amuurika, I'm teaching British children instead.
That's it for now peeps. Going to try and get some more interviews going on this thing again soon. So sorry for the delay.
Love and "Turbans"
~Valiant V