My birthday came and went. I am twenty friggin eight people. And as well as that fact rearing its ugly head, Im in a funk. Creatively I have no drive at the moment. And this is the blog post to prove it.
I originally planned on using this special day as a dealine of sorts. To try and pack as much creativity in the 20 days up to my birthday and maybe beyond. Shake myself out of this funk. It started off alright but then soon faded and died. Here are some of my creative exploits in pictorial form.

Did a few aerial silks classes. But really this is cheating cause I've been doing it for a few months now already. But man I got some great guns for my birthday.
You got tickets?...Tickets to the gun show!.

I might try again, feel I messed up the little brother in my first try.
I wrote a letter to my good friend Jill. Dip pen and all baby!
I feel it's such a dying art that it has become creative rather than commonplace. And to add bonus dork points I made it out of pages from a book I was reading. I wrote on the blank backside of one page and turned another page into the envelope.
Bling Bling Dolla Dolla Bill Yo. I just want to keep all of these. Love them.
I also tried out a new, big version of my feather accessories. Kind of a combination of feathers and fascinator. Nothing complete yet though. Meh.
And of course my ultimate creativity cheat. The jumble sale I attend monthly. I look a little manic here but it's a great picture of Tatiana, the creator and amazing girl behind this eco friendly jumble. Head piece workshops happen every sale among the other various free workshops. I always have a great time here.
So all in all I was a little more creative than usual, but it didn't jump start me into doing anything more in my life. But honestly right now I should be focusing on my career and my training. So for now I have cleaned off my work table and turned it into a study table. I'll still be creative in my life I think but not as much as I'd like to. But for now. We'll see. Procrastination and avoidance of homework usually ends up with me being all sorts of creative.
Love and Happy Birthday me,
~Valiant V